Diffamation, fraude et détournement. La campagne truquée de Bruno Retailleau contre la ZAD.

Voici le texte qui a été posté sur le site du conseil régional des pays de la loire en soutien à la ZAD-NDDL


Téléchargement du document des “signataires” de la pétition demandant l’évacuation de la ZAD

Vous avez été nombreux à être atterrés par l’utilisation des moyens financiers et matériels d’une collectivité locale, la région, au service d’une cause partisane, si ce n’est personnelle. Prêt à tout pour assouvir sa soif de pouvoir, Bruno Retailleau a d’abord commencé par étaler à maintes reprises dans la presse des accusations douteuses et caricaturales, tentant de stigmatiser le mouvement anti-aéroport. Maintenant il essaye de nous faire croire que l’évacuation de la ZAD est souhaitée par de nombreuses personnes en utilisant une pétition délibérément falsifiable et falsifiée.

Grâce au piratage d’utilité publique du site du conseil régional nous entendons démontrer à tous et toutes comment les citoyens ont été délibérément trompés et manipulés par Bruno Retailleau.

En effet, en accédant au listing mail des “signataires” de la pétition pour l’évacuation de la ZAD, nous avons pu constaté que certains mails sont comptabilisés plusieurs dizaines de fois, et les mêmes adresses IP ont pu inscrire des dizaines d’adresses mails à la suite, sans aucune vérification. N’importe quelle adresse mail peut ainsi s’enregistrer sans aucune preuve de son authenticité. Au total, près de 40% des signatures seraient à décompter. La mention en bas de la pétition: “Les informations recueillies font l’objet d’un traitement dont le responsable est Bruno RETAILLEAU, président du Conseil Régional” fait presque preuve d’aveu de cette escroquerie !

Que le président de région ait besoin de détourner 60 000 euros et de tricher pour faire passer de force ses affirmations belliqueuses donne une certaine idée de la faiblesse de ses arguments et de son cynisme. L’exploitation de faits divers, les achats d’encarts publicitaires dans les journaux, la pétition falsifiée, ne suffisent pas à étouffer les questions de fond que soulèvent en permanence une zone de vie et d’expérimentation hors du monde marchand comme celle de la ZAD: usage collectif des terres et des biens, remise en question concrète des façons d’habiter, de s’organiser, de produire, de vivre, de se défendre. Ce qui se joue à Notre-Dame-Des-Landes dépasse de très loin les ambitions et les manœuvres douteuses de n’importe quel politicien.

Rendez-vous le 27 février pour défendre l’avenir de la ZAD!


samedi 27 février – Mobilisation générale pour l’abandon du projet d’aéroport et l’avenir de la ZAD http://zad.nadir.org/spip.php?article3549

A M.Retailleau : nous exigeons le maintien de la ZAD http://www.change.org/p/bruno-retailleau-exigeons-le-maintien-de-la-zad










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[EN] Anonymous Call-out to support (H)Activists being judged on 9 November at the court in Nancy, France

This is a call: To come together on November 9th, at 9 am, in the court of Nancy, or in front of any other court of France, or elsewhere, and a call to any other form of decentralized direct action. Let us be present and active to support our comrades, our struggles and let us be determined to show our refusal to submit!

9nov opgpii-en

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[FR]Anonyous appel à soutien des (H)Activistes au procès du 9 novembre au tribunal de Nancy

Ceci est un appel: A se rejoindre le 9 novembre, à 9h, devant le tribunal de Nancy, ainsi que devant tous les tribunaux de France. Et un appel à toutes autres formes d’actions décentralisées.
Soyons présent-e-s et actives pour soutenir nos camarades, pour nos luttes, et soyons déterminé-e-s à manifester notre refus de se soumettre!

9nov opgpii-fr

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[FR] Mobilisation générale. Procès Anonymous OpGPII en France le 09 Novembre

Source : Anonymousvideo.eu

FreeAnons.TV – Mobilisation générale. Procès en France le 09 Novembre.


Peuple du mode libre, nous sommes Anonymous.
Trois hacktivistes, «Seamymsg», «ErcUn» et Loïc Schneider alias « Boby » seront jugées par le tribunal correctionnel de Nancy, pour participation à des attaques de type DDoS visant des entreprises et des sites de l’État. L’opération #opGPII avait pour but de sensibiliser contre les «Grands Projets Inutiles et Imposés» tant en France qu’en Europe, dont le projet Cigéo d’enfouissement de déchets nucléaires à Bure en Lorraine.

L’Armée des ombres.
Il s’agissait également de témoigner et de rendre hommage à Rémi Fraisse, tué en octobre 2014 par une grenade lancé par un gendarme, au cour d’une manifestation de protestation contre la construction du barrage de Sivens. Choqués et en colère face à la violence policière impitoyable qui s’abattait sur les opposants pacifiques à la construction du barrage, des « Anons » de différentes nationalités avaient décidé de passer à l’action.

Les 3 supposés membres du Collectif Anonymous risquent 10 ans de prison et/ou 150 000 euros d’amende. Le DDoS consiste à saturer de requêtes un site internet afin de le rendre temporairement inaccessible. Il s’agit d’une simple manifestation numérique. Un blocus pacifique. Il n’y a aucun vol de donnée ni de destruction de l’infrastructure.

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Translated: A cyberaction to protest against the murder of Rémi Fraisse could lead Anons to jail !

source : Reporterre French citizen ecological and online newspaper. http://reporterre.net/Une-cyberaction-pour-protester-contre-le-meurtre-de-Remi-Fraisse-pourrait-mener
Three militants from the « Anonymous » collective, suspected of having led, in December 2014 and January 2015, computer attacks against institutional sites, among which the Ministry of Defence. They are summoned, on June 9th, to the criminal court of Nancy. The “hacktivists” meant to denounce the burying of radioactive waste policy and the murder of Rémi Fraisse at Sievens. But the public prosecutor upheld the charge of ”fraudulent access and maintenance” of a computer system, in “an organized gang”: the three anonymous face up to 10 years prison and 150 000 Euros fine. One more step towards criminalizing social movements ” in the name of “ fighting against cyber criminality and terrorism, and in fact illustrating a drift in security measures, and an attack against public liberties.

Operation GreenRights

Their actions against scientology, their support to “Occupy Wall Street” or to the Arabic revolutions were known. And the implications of Anonymous in environmental questions? It starts on March 25, 2011, e.g. 2 weeks after the Fukushima disaster. The informal collective of hackers launch the Green Rights operation, in order to draw attention upon nuclear dangers.

Their mode of action consists , in DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), in simple cyber attacks consisting in saturating a site, in order to temporarily make it unreachable. Several energy giants will thus be targeted, as General Electric, or BP, Enel, then EDF, whom sites will remain inaccessible for a dozen hours, causing an 8 months investigation by the DGSI (french internal security service), and leading to three arrests (in france). (1)

In December 2014, a branch of the Operation GreenRights comes to birth. The OpGPII (Operation GPII : contre les ‘grands projets inutiles et imposé’, operation UIMP : against the ‘Useless and Imposed Mega Projects’), as its name shows, aims to object to vast useless and imposed mega projects, such as the TGV line Lyon/Turin, the waterdam at Sivens, the airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Center Parks at Roybon or the project “Cigéo” the deep disposal center for radioactive waste at Bure. In this framework, in the course of December 2014, DDoS attacks against websites related to Cigéo: Region council of Lorraine, General council of Meuse, and several sites of the ANDRA (National Agency for the Management of nuclear waste) are led.

A big blow is dealt on January 6th, when the hacktivists target the ministry of Defence, as an answer to the death of Rémi Fraisse, killed by a military cop on the site of the occupied zone at Sivens. The day after, 7th January, the Charlie Hebdo tragedy leads the Anonymous to stop their attack upon the Ministry, as they explain on their Twitter address. But the State doesn’t mean to let it slip. The Nancy specialized inter-regional Court is put on the case, and, after a 4 months of “DGSI” investigations, two persons are arrested in Reims and Nancy at the beginning of April, and put on probation after a 48 hours in police custody.

A person close to the occupation struggle at the ZAD (Zone to Defend) of NDDL (Notre Dame des Landes) who laughingly defines himself as a “Green Jihadist”, but in first place acts “for a different world”, will be arrested for questioning in Nantes on April 30th by an impressive police presence.(2)
The three men, suspected of attacks against Andra (National Agency for the management of atomic waste), against the Ministry of Defence and the institutional sites of Lorraine, face up to 10 years in prison and 150 000 euros fine, and are summoned to the criminal court of Nancy on June 9th.

Heavy artillery – but no harm proven

What strikes one, at first, in this case, is the means the State displayed for sites made inaccessible for a few hours.” They are using drastic measures”, sums up Etienne Ambroselli, defending counsel for the young anon from Nancy, perplexed in front of a 1400 pages record. “I am stunned by the extensive work produced in answer to acts that didn’t bring forth any established damage. It seems totally out of proportion” Same astonishment for Stéphane Vallée, the lawyer of the charged anon from Nantes : ”The means used to trace back to the source of simple DDoS are questioning. They clearly were aiming at arresting some Anonymous. Such an abundance of means can lead one to think of a “justice of exception”. And the fact that the case was entrusted to the JIRS, also gives a particular connotation.” Indeed, this jurisdiction brings together magistrates from the public prosecutor’s department, and from the enquiry, who generally work upon “complex affairs” , notably linked with “transnational organized criminality”.

The DDoS, legally defined as “ fraudulent access and maintenance, hindrance and/or alteration of a computersystem that treats personal data managed by the State”, is within the framework of the 1988 Godfrain law which establishes a global repression of cyber fraud (3). A legislation recently strengthened by the November 2014 law against terrorism, which creates aggravating circumstances when the actions are committed “in organized gang”. If that term fails to define the Anonymous collective, described by the militant called out at Nantes, as “an idea, a banner, without leader or hierarchy”, that question will probably be at the core of the legal battle to come. For Joseph Breham, the lawyer for ”Triskel” in the case of EDF hacking, “an organized gang requires more than two people, a hierarchy and a plan of action. But in habitual practice, three persons in question are enough for the circumstance of organized gang to be retained, as in the present case. The actions led here are a form of civil disobedience enabling citizen debating. And it really questions the notion of ”organized gang”.

“Tango down !”

Beyond semantic questions, this trial is looming as eminently political . In which are notably questioned the freedom of thought and of speech around highly sensitive cases (the GPII/UIMP), which prompt a cutting popular opposition, be it “in real life” or on the web. Sit-ins, demonstrations, occupations and sabotages enabling to create a balance of power with the State in social and environmental fights these last years, have been countless. “This case creates bridges between different struggles” Etienne Ambroselli notes. For him, his client is “a young man of his time, who is no computer scientist, but rather an whistleblower.”
And if DDoS is pointed out by the authorities, as part of the arsenal of computer fraud, it is considered by the hacktivists as a means of political action, legitimate among others, and rather “soft” that doesn’t damage the targeted site itself. Besides, it is an object of revendication on twitter, using most of the time the expression “Tango down”, which in military jargon means that the target has been shot down.

While looking on the chat IRC Anonymous, those places of discussing dedicated to such or such operation, one learns that DDoS are compared to ”digital sit-ins”, or “blockades”. A speaker –anonymously, needless to say- on the channel of #operationgreenrights , says :”in 1995, the netstrike was invented by an Italian group. It enabled everyone to take part to a DDOS action simply by the refreching of a page at a given time by a large number of persons.” A form of DDoS , an easy to manage tactic for all. And that doesn’t make of users potential criminals. The first “netstrike” back in 1995 meant to protest against the nuclear trials of Mururoa atoll.” It is urgent to explain the fundamental difference between a “hacktivist” who fights for his ideas, and a simple ”cracker” whose aim is to make money, says again and again this user on IRC.

Moreover, at a time when UNO asks the international community to take measures in order to protect nuclear plants from potential cyber threats (4) it seems capital to prove discernment as to the nature of the attacks. “Hacktivism often appears as a ragbag, mixing all sorts of cyber criminalities aiming at political purpose” also says Felix Treguer, co-founder of “la Quadrature du net”. He has just published a juridical analysis upon the cyber fraud penal right (5) in which he condemns the confusion and inconsistency concerning those questions.

“Protest actions like DDoS are set on the same level as the “cyberattacks” led by State protagonists, which leads to procedures and penal actions of exception.” As the part played by the DGSI, notably in the Greenrights case concerning which, and according to him, ”mobilizing agents from intelligence services seems totally out of proportion, particularly at a time when a number of political leaders point out the lack of means displayed against anti-terrorism” moreover, a DDoS or the distortion of the site of a firm such as EDF –to stick, for instance, on the home page a protest display, also typical of the hacktivist action repertoire– are much more severely penalized than their equivalents from the physical world” says again Felix Tréguer.

Lastly, that graduate excuses himself “for the lack of understanding of technical and social internet realities, that affect some of the magistrates”, and “that leads them to emphasize the nature and seriousness of the facts they are blamed for, and to see in commonplace activities a know-how that would be the prerogative of a delinquent elite in the womb of the hacker world”. It is what happens for the militant arrested in nantes: he is accused for, among other things, the use of proxys, of servers intended to become anonymous, the creation of a twitter account intended to claim his actions, the part he took at an IRC debate, or the use of nickname on the internet, normal and common acts among many Internet users, claimed by many as legitimate and necessary in an era of generalized surveillance.

Will the trial to come, postponed after the lawyers requests, enable to bring an evidently necessary evolution as to jurisprudence concerning cyber activism, or will it be the occasion for new repressive drifts?
The answer in a few months.


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[EN] Call to support (H)Activists who struggle for a different world

On June 9, from 9 am at the criminal Court of Nancy, 3 people will be judged due to Anonymous attacks on evil companies and state sites.
    Some of these actions have been organized in response to the murder of Rémi Fraisse, at the occupation of Sivens, committed in October 2014 by the state and their puppets with a vain and pathetic attempt to cover up the facts.
    Other actions were carried out in support and in order to raise awareness of radical struggles and protest against unnecessary and imposed major projects (GPII), including landfill project Cigéo nuclear waste in Bure.

The sites in question:

The state and its “justice” continue to condemn any opposition to emblematic projects and operations of a sick society corrupted by capitalism, while leaving total impunity the pests and rapists of our lives and our planet.
The repression of the poor and all those that are struggling for a different world, becomes very obvious. Across Europe and the world, governments are attempting to silence those who have the means to share crucial information about our lives and our conditions within the fortresses they are building. Their goal is to neutralize those who do not hesitate to get in direct confrontation with the powerful, by means of subversion, demonstrations, occupations or sabotage, while imposing a reduced life as a subject and usable product .
With the new laws (like the highly controversial one in france on intelligence), the State adopts new tools to expand and increase the suppression exponentially.
A fascist and libertarian mechanism, posing in France as a “innovative” “democratic” republic.
The terrorists are those states, that criminalize struggles, that repress legitimate actions, and those people in positions of power that kill, mutilate and humiliate the activists through the use of their military arm, which protect psychotic policymakers and kleptomaniac bosses and their leaders.

We must act now to take control of our existence, today, for our tomorrows.
Lets occupy places of power and crush repression with our solidarity and our determination to create a different world!
Do not let our struggles die at the doors of banks and unjust court houses!
Let us be in solidarity with those who struggle for the people, showing them that they are not alone.

This is a call for decentralized actions against this unjust and imposed world, a call to revolt against the states and its machinery of repression, a call to support and gather in front of the Criminal Court of Nancy on June 9

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[FR] Appel à soutien de (H)Activist-e-s qui luttent pour un monde différentE

source: http://nantes.indymedia.org/articles/31518

Le 9 juin à partir de 9h au tribunal correcionele de Nancy, 3 personnes seront jugées suite à des attaques de Anonymous visant des entreprises malfaisantes et des sites de l’Etat.
Certaines de ces actions ont été organisées en réponse au meurtre de Rémi Fraisse, commis à Sivens en octobre 2014 par l’Etat et ses marionnettes, avant une vaine et pathétique tentative de camoufler les faits.
D’autres actions ont été menées en soutiens et dans un but de sensibilisation à des luttes radicales et contestataires contre des grands projets inutiles et imposés (GPII), notamment le projet Cigéo d’enfouissement de déchets nucléaires à Bure.

Les sites en question:

L’Etat et sa “justice” ne cessent de condamner toute opposition à des projets et des fonctionnements emblématiques d’une société malade du capitalisme, tout en laissant dans l’impunité totale les ravageurs et violeurs de nos vies et de notre planète.
La répression des pauvres et de tous-t-es celle-es-eux qui luttent pour un monde différentE devient flagrant. Partout en Europe, les Etats tentent de faire taire ceux qui ont les moyens de partager des informations cruciales à nos existences dans la forteresse qu’ils construisent. Leur but est de neutraliser ceux et celles qui n’hésitent pas a se mettre en confrontation directe avec les puissants, par des moyens de subversion, manifestations, occupations ou sabotage, tout en imposant une vie réduite a l’échelle de produit soumis et exploitable.
Avec les nouvelles lois (comme celle, très contestée, sur le renseignement), l’Etat se dote de nouveaux outils pour élargir et augmenter la répression de façon exponentielle.
Un mécanisme fasciste et ultralibéral, qui se fait passer, en France, pour une république “démocratique” et “innovante”.
Les terroristes, ce sont ces Etats qui criminalisent les luttes, qui répriment les actions et les personnes légitimes, qui tuent, mutilent et humilient les militant-e-s grâce au recours de leur bras armé, qui protègent la psychose des décideurs et la cleptomanie des patrons et ces chefs.

Nous devons agir maintenant pour prendre en main notre existence, aujourd’hui pour nos demains.
Occupons les lieux de pouvoir et écrasons la répression avec notre solidarité et notre détermination, pour créer un monde différentE!
Ne laissons pas nos luttes mourir aux portes des banques et des palais d’injustice!
Soyons solidaires avec celles et ceux qui luttent pour le peuple, en leur montrant qu’ils ne sont pas seul-e-s.

Ceci est un appel à actions décentralisées contre ce monde injuste et imposé, un appel a révolte contre l’Etat et sa machine de répression, un appel à soutien et à se rassembler devant le tribunal correctionnel de Nancy le 9 juin.

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Two Anons got arrested for DDOS government websites – Deux Anons jugés pour des attaques contre des sites institutionnels

Nous sommes unis | We are legion
Ni oublie Ni pardon | We do not forget We do not Forgive
Nous sommes Anonymous | We are anonymous
Attendez vous a nous! | Expect us !

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